March 9, 2021

Artifacts From the Jungle Hotel Found in Creek

A collection of artifacts from the Jungle Country Club era (1925-1944) is on display in a classroom building at Admiral Farragut Academy. The collection is not open for public viewing, but I was given permission to post these pictures. 

There are broken cups and plates with the Jungle Country Club crest. Among the glass items there are bottles of Nehi soda, Coca-Cola and Vitalis hair tonic. There are a number of items that I can't identify ‒ maybe some of our readers will recognize them. 
"Coach Nick" (courtesy AFA)
"Former science teacher “Coach Nick” (Mike Nicholson), who retired in 2017, often searched the creek for plant and animal life. Sometimes he found broken pottery and dishes from the Jungle Country Club, which are on display in the Lower School science classroom. " 
Reveille, A Publication of Admiral Farragut Academy, Spring-Summer 2020

Photos courtesy of Admiral Farragut Academy.

Figure 1: Broken dishes, some with the Jungle Country Club crest. Eve Alsford Fuller (Mrs. Walter P. Fuller) designed the crest and was an interior designer at the Jungle Hotel. The colors chosen for the crest and dishes resemble sunset (burnt orange) and the ocean (deep blue).

Figure 2: Assorted glassware found in the creek bed include a bottle of Vitalis hair tonic. 

Figure 3: Glass beverage containers, including Nehi and Coca-Cola.

Close up of Figure 1, dish fragments with Jungle crest.

Images were reduced for blog formatting.

Links to full-sized images:

Suggested reading:
Farragut Bids Fond Farewell to Long Time Science Teacher Coach Nick
Reveille, A Publication of Admiral Farragut Academy, Spring-Summer 2020

I highly recommend taking a look at Reveille for a good overview of Admiral Farragut Academy and its students. The article "75 Things You May Not Have Known about Farragut in St. Petersburg" contains a lot of, well... things you may not have known. Quite a few of those things have appeared on this blog (which is credited as a source for the list).